Every LD circuit debater knows that the Kritik is here to stay. How will you use it to your advantage?
With the Kritik Master Toolbox, add critical arguments to your attacks and our extensive blocks to your defenses. This heavy-hitting file that gives you everything you need to enter – and succeed – in the world of the Kritik.
Kritik Master Toolbox
A critical master file for the LD debater. 200+ pages of lined-down, ready-to-read critical cards and arguments. A specially curated collection of the files you need to strategically engage in kritik debates.
Includes three essential files to deploy:
Full Kritik Shells File
Kritik Answers File
Role of the Ballot File
See for yourself! Download your FREE kritik file sample with our Table of Contents and an assortment of our high-quality carded arguments.
This is the best LD kritik file you will find anywhere.
LD-SPECIFIC: Every one of its 300+ pages is tailored to K debate in LD. A lower-quality file would cost hundreds of dollars to produce at a summer camp.
COMPREHENSIVE: We covered nearly every major position you could find yourself against. A topic brief will last you one topic; this file will last for your career.
FOR IMMEDIATE USE: We lined down several hundred cards for you so that everything is ready-to-run for your next tournament.
EXTREMELY HIGH-QUALITY: This file has won Tournament of Champions elimination rounds after being worked over for dozens of hours by its writers.
Still not sure? Download the FREE kritik file sample!
Meet the writer!
Nick Steele
(Stanford '20)
Nick is the 2016 Tournament of Champions in Lincoln Douglas debate. He has won or reached late elimination rounds of every major national tournament. He is an assistant coach at Harvard-Westlake and has coached several students to the TOC, including the champion of the Glenbrooks Invitational. He now attends Stanford University.